
How to Prepare for Rhinoplasty Surgery?

What Should Be Done Before Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty (nose aesthetics) surgery is an important surgical procedure preferred for both aesthetic and functional reasons. For a successful surgery and a smooth recovery process, there are some points that should be taken into consideration before the surgery.

We have created a pre-rhinoplasty preparation guide for you, our valued readers. In this guide, we have discussed in detail what you need to do in preparation for rhinoplasty surgery.

General Preparations Before Rhinoplasty Surgery

1. Share Your Medical History

It is very important to tell your surgeon your entire medical history in detail. This information should include:

  • Your allergies
  • Your chronic diseases
  • Surgeries you have had before
  • Your current prostheses, implants or medical devices

2. Stop Eating and Drinking

You should definitely stop eating and drinking liquids 12 hours before the day of surgery. This rule is vital for anesthesia safety.

Situations That Require Changes in Your Body

To ensure a hygienic environment during rhinoplasty surgery, you should stay away from some cosmetic products and jewelry:

  • Artificial Eyelashes and Nails: If you are using false eyelashes, false nails, acrylic or gel nails, you should remove them.
  • Piercings and Jewelry: Before surgery, remember to remove all jewelry, especially piercings.

Avoid Products That Affect Blood Clotting Before Rhinoplasty Surgery

To prevent bleeding during and after surgery, you should stop using the following products before surgery:

  • Blood thinners: Aspirin, ibuprofen and similar drugs
  • Food supplements: Products such as vitamin E, fish oil, garlic extract
  • Alcohol and herbal products: You should completely stop consuming alcohol (including wine and beer).

Your surgeon will guide you on which medications you can and cannot use during this process.

Stop Smoking and Nicotine Before Rhinoplasty Surgery

Nicotine negatively affects the healing process, slowing down wound healing and increasing the risk of infection. You should completely avoid the following products before surgery:

  • Cigarette
  • Electronic cigarette
  • Nicotine gum and patches

Be Careful About Medications and Supplements Before Rhinoplasty Surgery

Any medication use should be reported to your surgeon before surgery. This includes over-the-counter medications and supplements. You may need to stop using some medications. You can consult your doctor for alternative medicines.

Ditch Diet Pills and Supplements Before Rhinoplasty Surgery

You need to stop diet pills and food supplements at least two weeks before surgery. These products may negatively affect your body’s response to anesthesia and surgical procedures.

Completing the above steps completely before rhinoplasty surgery will ensure the success of the surgery and your smooth recovery process. Feel free to ask your surgeon all your questions and review your pre-operative check-ups as necessary.

By adhering to your surgeon’s recommendations throughout the preparation process for your surgery, you can get one step closer to the result you dream of. Remember, good preparation is the first step to a successful surgery!